Monday, April 6, 2009

Morning Smoothie

This is Saturday evening, the First Weekly Filling of the Medicine Box. Siiiiigggghhhh.


  1. Does the onion in the pretty blue bowl get eaten before or after the meds? Or is it there to ward off evil spirits?

  2. Hi Shirley! This is sooo cool - i'm testing this out to see if my comment shows up...your co-workers are asking about the blog - i'm so behind the times with technology, i've never posted on a sorry to this to you, but "This is only a test....had there been a real...."!


  3. I love the Proust's good to "hear" your witty blogger voice! I used to think all pills were candy when I was a kid if it's any comfort to you (think PEZ).

  4. Dearest Shirley - Good grief! I can't even begin to imagine what you're going I won't because then I get all faklempt (pardon my Yiddish). But, I did want to send you a "lo siento", please-get-well-wish via your blog with a cybernet flower bouquet (big smile).

    You write very good by the way - continue that and you could publish your story one day (smile).

    Keep up your great humor!

    Tony (AKA Guillermo Antonio Vasquez Nutley)
